Oct 13, 2022

The electrical systems in your car are responsible for getting it going in the first place, as well as powering multiple functions for a safe and comfortable drive. Make sure that you know how to recognize electrical problems and when to contact your MINI dealer for help.

Electrical Problems? Visit Your MINI Dealer Today!

The electrical systems in your car include the battery, alternator, starting motor, ignition, lights, and other equipment, so if there’s a problem then a number of functions and accessories might fail.

The Engine Won’t Crank

“Cranking” is shown by the chirping noise that your car makes before the engine ignites when you turn the key to start. If there’s no response when you turn the ignition, check to see if the lights are working. If they aren’t, you probably have a dead battery, if they are, then you may have a problem with your alternator.

A clicking or grinding noise when you crank means that the issues lies in your starting motor, but any of these indicate that it’s time to get an electrical diagnostic from your dealer.

Electrical Components Start Failing

Your car’s electric system is responsible for the performance of multiple systems, so if it’s failing you’ll see the results across a range of items. These include:

  • Dim and flickering lights
  • Reluctant movement of electric windows
  • Failing entertainment system

Individual Fuses Keep Blowing

A blown fuse can be recognized when a single electrical component, such as the brake lights, stops working even though the others are fine. It’s a relatively simple fix, but if it keeps happening then it could mean that you have more extensive problems with your car’s electrics. If the same fuse blows twice in a short space of time, you need to seek help to diagnose the electrical fault.

Smell of Burning Plastic

An electrical fault or short-circuit can burn or melt the plastic insulation around the wires. If you’re picking up on this odor, your car could have an electrical fault that will cause damage to other components, so take your car off the road and seek advice as soon as you can.

Damaged or Leaking Battery

If your battery is leaking, you may see signs of deterioration when you look under the hood, either in the form of stains, or buildup around the terminal. It’s an indication that your battery is old and damaged, and is more likely if it’s approaching four or five years of age. You need to ask your mechanic about a replacement, but remember to exercise caution when checking, as battery contents are corrosive and can cause injury.

Whether it’s a gradual brownout or a sudden failure of your car’s components, electrical faults need attention for the sake of your car’s long-term health. Contact us at Tom Bush MINI and our specialized technicians will get to work to diagnose the problem, and get your MINI fighting fit again.