Jan 4, 2024

Is your MINI’s engine not as responsive as usual? The source of your engine troubles might be a clogged, worn-out, or dirty oil filter. Look out for signs of filter issues and visit your local MINI dealer to get a new one.

Does Your MINI Need a New Oil Filter? Visit Your MINI Dealer Today

Dark or Dirty Oil on the Dipstick

After miles of driving, debris accumulates in your MINI’s filter, preventing it from catching all contaminants in the oil. Many unwanted contaminants then circulate in the engine oil, causing it to look dark and dirty on the dipstick. You may also notice a sludgy buildup in the oil. These are signs that you should replace the filter and change your oil to allow proper lubrication in the engine.

Dropping Oil Pressure Gauge

Your filter does a good job of trapping debris and preventing it from circulating in the oil. But over time, contaminants build up in the filter, preventing oil from flowing freely through it. This reduces the pressure of the oil circulating in the system. Low oil levels leave the engine vulnerable to excess friction, overheating, and premature wear.

Declining Engine Performance

If you notice poor acceleration or spluttering when the vehicle is running, it is time to get a new filter. These problems occur when carbon deposits and other debris contaminate the oil, preventing it from lubricating the engine components. This causes overheating, which forces the engine to work harder to provide power. Replace the clogged filter with one that can trap all the contaminants in the oil to allow proper performance.

Reduced Fuel Economy

If your filter is blocked or worn out, your engine will struggle to run optimally. This may cause it to burn more fuel to provide adequate power. Swapping in a new, clean filter can quickly restore proper lubrication, so your MINI’s engine doesn’t have to work as hard. Change the oil as well to prevent the degraded oil from clogging your new filter.

Grinding Noises

Grinding noises under the hood could be caused by various issues, including a bad filter. If your filter isn’t trapping all the contaminants effectively, it allows dirty oil to flow through the engine. Degraded oil cannot properly lubricate the engine, so there will be increased friction between the components. This will cause grinding sounds when the engine is running.

Black Exhaust Fumes

Excessive black smoke coming from your tailpipe is a sign that oil is being burned in the combustion chamber. This can happen if you have a clogged filter that prevents oil from flowing and coating the engine components. Piston rings wear out due to friction and excess heat, causing oil to seep into the chamber. The oil gets burned and releases hydrocarbons, leading to black exhaust fumes.
Your filter plays a key role in optimizing your engine’s overall health, so replace it if you notice these signs. Swing by Tom Bush MINI to replace your filter and change your engine oil.