Jun 22, 2023

Perfecting the art of parallel parking can feel like an impossible task, but fear not, as this seemingly difficult challenge can be mastered with a little knowledge and a good deal of practice. Whether you’re an experienced driver or a novice who just got a shiny new pair of keys from a MINI dealer, this guide will equip you with practical tips to master the art of hassle-free curbside parking.

From a MINI Dealer: 5 Pro Tips for Hassle-Free Parallel Parking

1. Prepare and Visualize

Before you even begin, it’s important to visualize the parking spot and your car’s movements. As you approach a potential spot, measure it with your eyes. Does it look like a good fit for your car? Does it give you enough space to maneuver? Take a moment to mentally map your car’s path into the space. Preparation and visualization are the foundation of a successful curbside parking attempt.

2. Master the Right Alignment

To start curbside parking, align your car with the vehicle you intend to park behind. You should be driving next to this vehicle, keeping your car about two to three feet away. Your car’s right passenger side-view mirror should align with the other vehicle’s driver side-view mirror. This level alignment is crucial because it helps you determine the right angle and direction to move your car smoothly into the parking spot.

3. Practice the Back-and-Forth Motion

Mastering the back-and-forth motion is the key to a stress-free curbside parking experience. As you start reversing, turn your steering wheel fully to the right. When your car reaches a 45-degree angle with the curb, straighten the wheel and continue reversing.

Once your front bumper passes the rear bumper of the parked car, and the tail light of the car you’re parking behind aligns with your right passenger side-view mirror, turn your steering wheel to the left and glide into the spot. Remember, it’s okay to adjust your car’s position by moving forward and backward until it’s perfectly placed.

4. Understand the Importance of Side-View Mirror Positioning

Your side mirrors are invaluable tools during curbside parking. Always adjust your side mirrors to give you a good view of the curb and the parked car. Your rear-view mirror should allow you to see the car behind clearly. Throughout the process, check your mirrors frequently to ensure you’re not getting too close to the other vehicles.

5. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Many modern vehicles have park-assist technology, such as rearview cameras and sensors. These features can automatically apply inputs such as slight steering and braking, making parking much easier.

If you’re looking for a car that’s equipped with advanced parking assist technology and other modern safety features, visit us at Tom Bush MINI. We have MINI vehicles designed to make every part of your driving experience, including curbside parking, as safe and stress-free as possible.